“The Space Between Us” 20×16, oil on unstretched canvas
When I first started this 31 day practice, I thought the writing would come first, then the painting, but, like most things, it did not quite go as I had planned. All month, I’ve been doing the painting first without a clear idea for the poem and then writing about what transpired.
Today’s piece is another on unstretched canvas (all of which I will make available next week once they are framed) and started as a bit of a lament. The birds were entirely dark for most of the painting and the drips felt particularly sad to me. But when I sat down to write about it, all I could see was the interesting shape that formed between the birds’ bodies and between the drips. For as long as I can remember, I have been noticing shapes; the ones I usually find most compelling are not the positive ones but the negative shapes formed between them. I felt like that idea was worth exploring in a poem.
The Space Between Us
I’ve made it my mission
to notice shapes–
Full circle moon
Tops of trees making
hills and valleys against the sky
Triangle wings of the bluebird
abandoning post
on the long cylinder telephone line
A splotch of paint, its amorphous arms
But most interesting
are the ones created
between two solid things,
The borders of their bodies
a whole new world–
Pink morning light in little leaf shapes
through the foliage peaking
Of thin air
a brand new story