Day 15. Blue Skies.
“What You’re Looking for is Already Here” 12×9, oil on paper I heard this metaphor for the mind recently. Andy Puddicombe, founder of the app Headspace, explained (in his delightfully-British-so-it-must-be-smart-accent) that the mind is like a blue sky. When things are clear, all is well. But when dark clouds and storms appear, it’s easy […]
Day 14. Adrift
“Adrift” 9×12, oil on paper I mentioned a poem on day 12, and I’ll share it today. I stumbled upon it on instagram and have been thinking about it ever since. Today’s painting borrows from yesterday’s. It’s the raven from the bicycle basket. It’s one part of the duet between wonder and grief. Adrift […]
Day 13. “Brutiful”
“Brutiful” 9×12, oil on paper Over the holidays, our oldest came back from college and after weeks of his planning it, we sat around the kitchen table and did something I have never done before. We played Dungeons and Dragons. If you aren’t familiar with this particular game, this is how the official website describes […]
Day 12. Of Wonder and Grief
Day 11. Those Spinning Wheels.
Day 10. Magic.
Day 9. Take your own advice.
“Taking the World into my Arms,” 6×6, oil on canvas I was having some trouble in the studio, so I took the advice I recently gave another artist: paint something familiar while you wait for the next inspiration to come. It usually comes when you’re painting, afterall. So I pulled three figures from a photograph […]
Day 8. There you Always are
“Sometimes I Need Only to Stand Wherever I am to be Blessed” 8 in diamater, oil on canvas Yesterday, after posting my painting with the great blue heron, I went for a run. I haven’t been running much lately– the December marathon felt like a triple exclamation point and now I hardly know how to […]
Day 7. Love Letters.
“Led by Love” 8×8 oil on canvas Writer Elizabeth Gilbert has a spiritual practice called “two-way” prayer where she writes a letter to God which she often just calls Love and then writes a letter back to herself from Love. I tried this practice months ago and it was so good, so healing that I […]