Day 9. Take your own advice.

second line band oil painting

“Taking the World into my Arms,” 6×6, oil on canvas I was having some trouble in the studio, so I took the advice I recently gave another artist: paint something familiar while you wait for the next inspiration to come. It usually comes when you’re painting, afterall. So I pulled three figures from a photograph […]

Day 8. There you Always are

woman with great blue heron painting

“Sometimes I Need Only to Stand Wherever I am to be Blessed” 8 in diamater, oil on canvas Yesterday, after posting my painting with the great blue heron, I went for a run. I haven’t been running much lately–  the December marathon felt like a triple exclamation point and now I hardly know how to […]

Day 7. Love Letters.

woman with great blue heron and florals painting

“Led by Love” 8×8 oil on canvas Writer Elizabeth Gilbert has a spiritual practice called “two-way” prayer where she writes a letter to God which she often just calls Love and then writes a letter back to herself from Love.  I tried this practice months ago and it was so good, so healing that I […]

Day 5. Exhale.

woman with chickadee painting

“Exhale” 6×6 oil on canvas I have been keeping a sketchbook this month in hopes of making this 31 a little more organized, a little less frantic. If I can work out the ideas ahead of time, so goes my thinking, my actual studio time can be less fraught. Ease is my word for 2024 […]

Day 4. Displaced

fox oil painting

“Holy Longing” 8×8, oil on canvas Back in November I was in Baton Rouge visiting my brother and we took a walk in his neighborhood which is in the middle of town, full of big historic homes and beautiful well-kept lawns. When I spotted a fox in someone’s yard, I at first thought it had […]

Day 3. Ease.

bee painting

“You Have My Full Attention” 4×4, oil on canvas “I don’t know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed” – Mary Oliver   A while back, before it finally and […]

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