Is it a surprise that one of my all-time favorite book discoveries was Bright Wings: An Illustrated Anthology of Poems About Birds?
I stumbled across the beautiful poem above as I was thumbing through it and remembered the Kingfisher painting I did as the last painting of my very first 30 in 30 in April of 2014. I sold that painting, but I didn’t even go back to look at an image of it as a nagging question began to flutter about as I brought my son to school and started to consider what the day’s work would involve:
Have I gotten any better?
To tackle that question, I decided to paint the kingfisher using the same reference photo and on the same size surface. But even as I write this, I have not yet looked at my first Kingfisher painting. I’m about to. I’m about to go back into my old files, pull it up, look at it, post it here. Hoping, praying that the answer to my question is an resounding YES. Here goes.
And now for the side by side:
This gives me a good bit to think about. There are things I really like about the first one. But I also see a little growth in the second. A little. Maybe not as much as I’d like. Trucking on though. This one is going to take a little processing.