Day 31. Creativity

These are actually just little pieces of my day 31 painting which I have been working on for several days now. The whole thing is four feet tall by four feet wide– when I stand behind it, just my head and shoulders poke out the top. I’m not posting the entire piece because I’m taking […]
Day 30. Abundance

“Abundance” 6×6 in oil on canvas, framed How interesting it is that we usually think of abundance only in terms of how big or small our home is, what kind of car we drive, how much we’ve saved for the kids to go to college. When I zoom out, I can see that even if […]
Day 29. Curiosity

“Where Curiosity Leads” 4×4 in oil on canvas, framed The Other Drummer With every step I become more certain That certainty’s beat is overplayed My other drummer, Curiosity, And I’ll follow Her to the ends Of this wide open world Get January’s daily paintings in your inbox
Day 28. Grief

“Play On” 6×6 in oil on canvas, framed I really wasn’t planning to paint a second line band this 31, but, a little exhausted by trying to keep a consistent theme, I decided to just give it a go. We lost my beloved grandmother nearly a year ago, and while we did not have a […]
Day 27. Intersection

“Intersection” 20×16 in oil on Unstretched Canvas (Available Soon) 27 down, 4 to go. I think of today’s piece as a companion to yesterday’s. They are of the same birds in two different postures and I can imagine them being hung next to one another. Still working on the framing but I imagine something like […]
Day 26. Connection

“Reaching Out” 20×16 in oil on Unstretched Canvas (Available Soon) I’m back to my works on canvas paper and hoping to get them all framed in the next few days. This whole month I’ve been exploring having multiple subjects in my paintings and seeing what kind of interesting shapes and spaces form between them. […]
Day 25. Comfort

“Holy Ground” 6×6 in oil on panel, framed I’ve been under the weather these past couple of days, and I’ve spent my fair share of time looking at a blank canvas and a blank page where once things seemed to materialize so simply. But even though nothing has come swiftly or easily as of late, […]
Day 24. Seek

“Seeker” 8 in diameter, oil on canvas, framed Keeping it short and sweet today: a little circle painting and a haiku to go with it. Seeker From this day’s soil May whatever seeks the light Bloom under its warmth Get January’s daily paintings in your inbox
Day 23. Shape

“The Space Between Us” 20×16, oil on unstretched canvas When I first started this 31 day practice, I thought the writing would come first, then the painting, but, like most things, it did not quite go as I had planned. All month, I’ve been doing the painting first without a clear idea for the poem […]