Day 22. Peace

“Peace” 20×16, oil on unstretched canvas Here’s another in my unstretched canvas series. This one, a reflection on peace in the image of a Roseate Spoonbill carrying something of an olive branch. It, like yesterday’s, will become available next week once I’ve figured out how to frame the loose canvas. I was thinking about the […]
Day 21. Love

“Love Poem” 20×16, oil on unstretched canvas I haven’t been quite in the zone these last few days so I decided to mix it up, similar to what I did last year around this time, and work on a different surface. I did today’s painting on unstretched canvas which is essentially thick paper. For whatever […]
Day 20. Busyness

“Busyness” 4×4, oil on canvas, framed I wasn’t sure if any busy little bees would make it into this 31, but now with this freeze approaching and the promise (threat?) of Mississippi snow, I’m reimagining being busy. I Can’t Today I’m all tied up with this quiet living room fire seeing how high […]
Day 19. Rest

“Rest, Relax ” 4×4, oil on canvas, framed I have hit somewhat of a wall with this practice, so today I visited something really small and manageable and familiar, something I could do pretty quickly and get back to my LSU women’s basketball game on the sofa where I plan to spend the rest of […]
Day 18. Tenacity

“Tenacity ” 28×22, oil on canvas, framed I needed a break from tiny paintings and decided to finish this larger piece I’ve been messing with for a few weeks now. I asked the 31 online group today what has been the most surprising thing so far about this month. Just yesterday I was having lunch […]
Day 17. History

“Stepping Back ” 6×6, oil on canvas, framed I started painting this one with yesterday’s– very meta– putting yesterday’s painting inside today’s. When I sat down to write about it, this story about my great aunt, my first art teacher, that my grandmother told me in the hospital before she died came vividly back. I […]
Day 16. Perspective

“Perspective ” 6×6, oil on canvas, framed All my birds this month have been flying instead of on their usual perches. I think I’m trying on a new perspective. Perspective I always choose the window seat So I can watch fancy cars become Drug store toys on plastic roads Rivers: cartoon snakes Weaving their […]
Day 15. Darkness

“Becoming” 8 in diameter, framed All of my days this month have begun before the sun comes up. I sit in my dark studio each morning, reading, reflecting, breathing, and preparing for the day’s work. It seems to me now, almost halfway in, that this ritual is like planting my creativity in rich soil and […]
Day 14. Gratitude

“Gratitude” 8×8, oil on canvas, framed Towards the end of last year, I started a gratitude practice: a morning stream-of-consciousness ritual of writing down and giving thanks for every thing that comes to mind without censure or editing. I am often amazed at what comes up– descriptions of the leaves dancing on the trees outside […]