Pelican Painting, Three Little Birds, Day 19

Pelican Pod, 6×6, oil on gessoboard, $75 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] SOLD I’ve sold twelve paintings this month.  My goal was four. I’ve been working on becoming a (paid) artist for almost a year now.  I launched my website and blog this month and never dreamed I’d have any kind of immediate success.  I’m in […]

Bird Paintings– Every Little Thing, DAY 18

  Kingfisher, 6×6, oil on gessboard $75, SOLD A good friend introduced me to the kingfisher bird yesterday.  She’s British (so obviously everything she says oozes with intellect and sophistication), and she described this particular bird as “England’s fishermen”.  I love the way birds (among many other things) remind us of both physical and emotional spaces […]

Bird Painting Continues- Day 17

Heron 2, 8×10, oil on gessoboard, $112 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] SOLD Yesterday’s post is still resonating with me today.  I’m no longer ahead on my paintings so the ones I post are the ones I’ve just painted– which makes it tricky because I’ve sold a few still very wet paintings I’d love to ship […]

Bird Painting– City Park Sparrow, Day 16

City Park Sparrow, 6×6 oil on gessoboard $75.00 SOLD [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button]   Yesterday afternoon I had the priviledge of meeting one of my former students for coffee at Morning Call in city park.  She was one of those students that made teaching feel the noblest of enterprises, and the kind that made […]

Discovery– April Challenge Day 15

Discovery, 8×10, acrylic on gessoboard This one is based on a photograph I took of Ezra a couple months ago.  It was dusk, and he was discovering the leaf blower.  The sunlight was fading but shining so perfectly on him that I took about one hundred pictures on my phone trying to capture it.  I’m […]

Crawfish Painting Season Continues- April Challenge Day 14

Crawfish 3, 8×10, oil on gessoboard $112 Buy Now   Mid-month crisis?  The more I paint, the more I realize how much I want to paint.  Every day during Ezra’s nap time isn’t quite enough. And just when business starts rolling in (six commissions in the works!)  the business of life starts rolling in full […]

Advice, Reflections– Pelican Painting April Challenge Day 13

Reflection, 6×6, oil on canvas SOLD I’ve been painting a lot so I’ve been thinking about painting a lot.  Worried that I paint too many pelicans.  Worried I’m not contributing anything important to the world.  Worried.  When I was teaching creative writing to high school seniors, I made them read Kelly Cherry’s poem “Advice to […]

Bird Painting, Watching– April Challenge Day 12

Blue Heron, 6×6, oil on gessoboard $75 SOLD   Day 12.  Started this one a couple days ago.  Most of my pelicans are flying, but I usually see egrets and herons still and watchful, which is probably appropriate because April can be the cruelest month.  I’m about to take my paintings outdoors– Mandeville is stunning […]

Branching Out, Egret Painting

Purple Egret, 6×6, oil on gessoboard $75 SOLD I kept thinking of titling this post “no egrets” but even I (the self-proclaimed queen of puns) realize that’s pushing it a little.  Also a little weird considering the subject of this painting is, in fact, an egret.  That’s what people who aren’t pun queens don’t understand– […]

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