Purple Egret, 6×6, oil on gessoboard $75 SOLD
I kept thinking of titling this post “no egrets” but even I (the self-proclaimed queen of puns) realize that’s pushing it a little. Also a little weird considering the subject of this painting is, in fact, an egret. That’s what people who aren’t pun queens don’t understand– puns have to work on both levels.
I’m not going to lie. Sometimes when I see an egret flying, for a split second I think it might be a pelican. When I realize my mistake, I’m disappointed. But they are beautiful birds, perfect for someone looking to (however slowly and not so outside-of-the-box-quite-yet) expand her horizons, flap her wings?, soar? Okay. Yeah. Probably not going to mess with metaphors either for a while.
I worked on this painting with another that I’ll be posting soon. The second one is almost finished but already looser and freer. It’s a blue heron. Coming soon.