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“The Lava Water” 20×20, oil on canvas [creativ_button url=”https://denisehopkinsfineart.com/product/lava-water-20×20-oil-canvas/” icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_self”]
I didn’t know what to call this one, so I asked my five-year old, Ezra. “You name paintings?” he asked me with wonder in his voice. “Sometimes,” I replied. And then, without hesitation he said “The Lava Water” as he explained how the oranges looked like lava in the softer blue waters.
Funny, because just ten minutes prior to this sweet conversation, he’d had an eruption of a temper tantrum the likes of which we’ve not seen in some time (okay, so did I.)
The lava has cooled. We are back to cuddling on the couch as he asks me every couple of seconds about these letters I’m typing and if I made sure to say he named the painting. He’s pointing out the sight words he knows: the, we, my, one.
I hate cliches probably because they often speak to some simple truth I’d rather not acknowledge— Day 20 has been an emotional roller coaster, but right now, at this exact moment, I’m enjoying the highs.
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2 Responses
Beautiful painting. And that’s very astute, his name for the painting…who could have done better??? No one!
I love how this painting became autobiographical for you as you discussed it with us! And that you can find joy and humor amidst temper tantrums. The painting already had depth to it, but the comment on the oranges and blues Ezra made is making me to attend to it more thoughtfully.