“Sitting Pretty” 16×20, oil on canvas, $225.00 [button link=”http://www.dailypaintworks.com/fineart/denise-hopkins/sitting-pretty/369890″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button]
This is the painting I’d started a couple days ago but didn’t finish yesterday because it was Tuesday which meant I needed to get outside. Challenging myself is easier when I know there is a nice little studio painting of a bird waiting for me on the other side of it. The reference photo I used was from a work trip to Disney. We found ourselves in Animal Kingdom on a safari ride with no animals. The tour guide kept telling us we were “nearing their bedtime” so many of them wouldn’t be out but around the next corner just maybe…

I spotted this blue heron in a section of the park where we were supposed to see some great mammal like a hippo or an elephant. I asked my photographer friend if he could snap a picture amid the bumps of the safari truck. The photo he took has inspired a handful of other paintings but I like this one because it’s bigger, and I allowed myself a little bit more freedom with the background. I enjoyed doing it so much, I’m thinking of creating a completely abstract piece based on it.
Day 22, in the books. Only 78 more to go.