Day 29. Taking the Bull by the Horns

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“By the Horns” 12×12, oil on canvas [creativ_button url=”” icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”red” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_self”]

Last night I painted at one of the loveliest weddings in Gulfport, Mississippi which added another state to my list of travels for wedding paintings (toying with the idea of trying to get all 50!). 

The videographer and I ended up having to combine our extension cords to reach the outlet and in the process got to chatting. I’m not even going to tell you who is who here because I know you know.

“God, I wish I could paint.”

“Everyone can paint.”

“No, I mean I can paint. I have an art degree. I just don’t have the time. What with the kids and job and all.”

“Buddy, you gotta take the bull by the horns.”

Okay, that last part is fiction. But I did suggest he buck up. I am amazed at how many excuses we (definitely including myself here) let define our interests, hobbies, our lives. It is far easier to long to paint great paintings than to actually paint hundreds of so-so ones. Our pride is less bruised. But our spirit is less awakened. 

This is the cow painting I was talking about the other day. The one that wasn’t quite right so I abandoned for a smaller version. I think he’s ready. I think he’s done. 

I’ve got a lot of limiting language I use not just in painting but in my life (I don’t have time, I’m not a fast runner, I’m not a good mom, I can’t do that new and exciting thing). I’m sort of compiling a list for day 31. Because all of it really is (and forgive me, but it works with today’s painting) just bullshit. What nonsense do you tell yourself to keep you from doing something worth doing? I’d love your thoughts as I work towards my day 31. 

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Picture of Denise Hopkins

Denise Hopkins

October 29, 2017

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One Response

  1. My list of bullshit typically revolves around the idea that I can only do so much with my current gear, which is quite old and lower quality. I’m not entirely wrong in my thinking, but I’m also letting it hold me back instead of getting more creative with the gear I do have and do a decent job with. And I’m letting it hold me back with selling compositions I’ve made, which is the only way I’m going to afford better gear.

    Also, I’m only photographing part time. I think that’s practical to an extent, as I’m not yet selling, but I know I’m dragging my feet rather than putting my work out there as a way of moving towards photographing full time.

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