Day 8. There you Always are

woman with great blue heron painting

“Sometimes I Need Only to Stand Wherever I am to be Blessed” 8 in diamater, oil on canvas Yesterday, after posting my painting with the great blue heron, I went for a run. I haven’t been running much lately–  the December marathon felt like a triple exclamation point and now I hardly know how to […]

Day 7. Love Letters.

woman with great blue heron and florals painting

“Led by Love” 8×8 oil on canvas Writer Elizabeth Gilbert has a spiritual practice called “two-way” prayer where she writes a letter to God which she often just calls Love and then writes a letter back to herself from Love.  I tried this practice months ago and it was so good, so healing that I […]

Day 3. Ease.

bee painting

“You Have My Full Attention” 4×4, oil on canvas “I don’t know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed” – Mary Oliver   A while back, before it finally and […]

Day 2. Beginnings are Hard

splendid fairywren painting

“Splendidly Small, Brilliantly Blue” 4×4, oil on canvas Beginnings are hard because they necessarily involve loss. With the first stroke, suddenly what once held infinite possibilities now displays just one. And a completed painting, a recorded song, a finished poem is now only what it is instead of all the infinite things it could have […]

Day 31. Blessing for the Seeker

oil painting of woman with flowers and great blue heron

“Seeking, Striving, in it with all my Heart” 48x48in oil on canvas “I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart.” -Vincent Van Gogh This is the part where I stare at the blinking cursor on my screen. Because there’s a jumble of thoughts, of what I could or should […]

Day 30. Ride the waves

  “Circling Back” 8×8 oil on canvas If you aren’t a painter, let me describe the typical process for you. 1. An idea! 2. A decent start with the first few marks of the piece. 3. Looks like trash. 4. Looks like the most glorious things you or anyone else has ever created 5. Looks […]

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