Day 8. Patience and Persistence
“Rebecca” 4×4, oil on canvas, $50.00 [creativ_button url=”″ icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_self”] No surprises here, but I read a lot of parenting books, a lot of which can be summarized by this: you aren’t perfect. How you handle your struggles and shortcomings can teach your kids as much as your flashes […]
Day 7. Hope is the Thing with Feathers
“Melanie” 8×10, oil on canvas. $215.00 [creativ_button url=”″ icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_self”] I am impressed by the theme already emerging in these thirty days– that bravery is often born of weakness. It’s more about doing a task anyway than ever having been perfectly prepared or capable at the start. Today’s inspiration […]
Day 6. It’s the Teeny Tiny Things.
“Mary Eleanor” 4×4, oil on canvas $50.00 [creativ_button url=”″ icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_self”] I write this knowing but also hoping I’m not the only parent who repeatedly compares myself to other parents. Last year, my college roommates and I (now scattered in different cities) decided that we were doing a woefully […]
Day 5. Rise Above.
“Cheree” 24×24, oil on canvas $400.00 [creativ_button url=”″ icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_self”] In one of my favorite art books, The War of Art, Steven Pressfield describes resistance as the force that keep us from dong what we long to do– weather it is painting, writing, composing, or opening a new business venture. […]
Day 4. Don’t Be A Chicken.
“Erica” 12×12, oil on canvas, $200.00 [creativ_button url=”″ icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_self”] I moved into my new house in July. The whole buying and moving process stunted my painting productivity for a couple weeks. I eventually unpacked the unruly boxes of paints and canvases, and started a painting before I’d ever organized […]
Day 3. Things you Don’t Know.
“Anne” 18×24, oil on canvas. $360.00 [creativ_button url=”″ icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_self”] Things you don’t know. In 2006 I got my first real career type job. I was teaching high school English and art. I didn’t know any of the other teachers, and I was cautious. Having spent most of my […]
Day 2. When I Am Weakest
“Jen” 30×40, oil on canvas. Sold Yesterday morning I dropped my precocious four year old at pre-k and then went to mass for All Saints Day. In the pew in front of me was a young mother with a baby strapped to her and two toddlers. The younger toddler was, let’s just say, spirited. It […]
Day 1/30: Don’t Fly the Coop
“Rebekah” 24×24, oil on canvas $400.00 [creativ_button url=”″ icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_self”] When I decided to do another 30 paintings in 30 days, I wasn’t sure exactly where it would go. I asked for story submissions because my last attempt at this whole idea of painting-as-story two years ago was nothing short […]
Open Letter to the Great Blue Heron
“Spectacle” 6×6, oil on 1.5 in canvas. $105.00[creativ_button url=”″ icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_self”] I’m just like anyone else, I’ve got a nice little list of pet peeves. And topping the charts in the less serious category is open letters. Don’t even get me started. Dear woman who pulled out in front […]