Day 8. On Trying New Things In Old, Familiar Places
“Tchefuncte and Clouds” 12×12, oil on canvas $150 There’s a little spot of land about a mile from my house where the golf course backs up to the Tchefuncte River. To say it is beautiful is a disservice. It’s other-worldly but difficult to notice because it’s so readily available. I don’t have to take a […]
Day 7/100. Why Artists Are the Best People
“After You” 24×35, oil on canvas $375 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] SOLD Back in January, I was the artist of the month at the Scotts’, a great little tapas restaurant near the lakefront in Mandeville. The show was up for a month during which a man’s wife saw a painting similar to today’s. She sent him a […]
Day 6. Tis the Season
“First Bite” 10×10, oil on canvas, $150.00 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] Two days in a row, a painting inspired by Erica. It’s the season for crawfish pictures dominating people’s social media feeds. There was something about this one. I’ve done several crawfish paintings but never one with a human hand in it. It changes things. I […]
Day 5. Go Outside (Kinda)
“Big, Bold, Beautiful Azaleas” 8×8, oil on canvas $100.00 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] Happy Easter! This is another painting based on a suggestion I received when I posted a picture of a large 30x30in blank canvas and asked what to paint. Erica, who has inspired several other paintings (see “Be a Duck” and “Visions […]
Day 4. Paint What You Love
“Bird Watcher” 8×8, oil on canvas, $100 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] “Mommy, you love birds?” Ezra asked me the other day. Together we’ve been seeing all kinds in the neighborhood lately. Several blue birds and quite a few cardinals (his favorite because they are red). And yet every time I paint one, something in me […]
Day 3. Think Like a Child
“Hey There!” 6×6, oil on canvas Meet Henry. My precious godson, child of my best friend Robyn. He’s two, independent and a little accident prone. I found the reference photo for this painting on Robyn’s instagram feed. Henry has an older brother, Marc. I did a large portrait of Marc well over a year ago and have been promising […]
Day 2. Go Big or Go Home
“Clawing” 30x30in, oil on canvas $375 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] What in the world am I thinking? Day one– 24x36in and day 2– 30x30in? Am I setting expectations far too high? Is the 6×6 I’m planning for day 3 going to be a let down? Will day 97 be a let down? These bigger paintings […]
Day 1. And We’re Off
“Launch” 24×36, oil on canvas $375 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] SOLD I’d been working on this one for a while but could never quite seem to finish it. Nothing like starting a 100 paintings in a 100 days to get you motivated to revisit an older canvas. And it sets the tone– It’s […]
Not Looking Too Far Ahead– Painting Demos Continue
“Oh, the Places You’ll Go” 12×12, oil on canvas A couple weeks ago, my boyfriend Peter and I I took Ezra to the Audubon Zoo. The orangutans were out and playful (on our last visit they weren’t available), but the Elephant exhibit was still under construction. Ezra seemed to get just as excited […]