30 in 30 Challenge. Day 29. Celebration.

“Teddy” 6×6, oil on canvas $75 [button link=”http://www.dailypaintworks.com/fineart/denise-hopkins/teddy/270768″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] SOLD I wrote about my dear friend, Annie, on Day 19 of the 30 in 30 challenge.  What I didn’t tell you is that her son, Teddy, is my son’s best friend and “pretend big brother.”

30 in 30 Challenge, Day 28. Reflecting.

 “Reflecting” 6×6, oil on canvas, $75[button link=”http://www.dailypaintworks.com/fineart/denise-hopkins/reflecting/260547″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] I broke down my tent last night at Alligator Festival. Given the threat of all-day rain, it seemed better to pack up than deal with the dreadful combination oil paintings and bad weather today. I painted a lot yesterday. My first painting was a crab, […]

30 in 30 Challenge. Day 27. Bring it Outside

It’s been a long day at Alligator Fest. It runs from 11 to 11 Saturday and Sunday, and I did 6-11 Friday night. Is it wrong that I’m a little relieved it looks like constant rain tomorrow, and I might forego it altogether? What I like most about this festival is the other artists, one […]

30 in 30 Challenge. Day 26

 “Festival Time” 6×6, oil on gessoboard, $75   I’m finished writing all the stories you’ve sent in, and, if I’m honest, my disappointment in running out is tempered by the fact that I don’t think I could have done it today.  BUT.  I’m still accepting stories– and I’ve still got some days left in September, […]

Day 25. If You Must Be Blue…

  “Bright Blue” 6×6, oil on gessoboard, $75 [button link=”http://www.dailypaintworks.com/fineart/denise-hopkins/bright-blue/260023″] Buy Now[/button] SOLD Today’s story is short and sweet, and it comes from my mom, the woman who reads all my blog posts, comes to my paintings classes, helps me frame and wire all my art, and doesn’t get mad at me when she finds paint […]

30 in 30. Day 24. And At the Hour of Our Death

“Little Angel” 8×10, oil on canvas, $112 [button link=”http://www.dailypaintworks.com/fineart/denise-hopkins/little-angel/259785″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] SOLD Shae e-mailed me weeks ago after I posted “Brown Eyes,” a painting inspired by a story her cousin, Kristi, sent in. This painting is based on a story from her father, Bobby Siers, founder and craftsman of the Little Angels Foundation. It’s quite […]

Day 23. And I Really Didn’t See That Coming

“White Fire”, oil on canvas, 16×20, $225 [button link=”http://www.dailypaintworks.com/fineart/denise-hopkins/white-fire/259512″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] SOLD These are egrets, two of them. My new favorite bird. I love seeing them in the ditches along highways, ponds next to traffic. They are at home in the secluded swamp and the busy city. In my limited experience, they are quiet birds– hunters […]

Day 22. Anna’s Home.

  “Watching Waves” 6×6, oil on gessoboard, $75 [button link=”http://www.dailypaintworks.com/fineart/denise-hopkins/watching-waves/259293″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] SOLD You know those people you knew before facebook existed? And then you’re facebook friends, you watch their lives develop in the pictures you see, but you haven’t actually spoken to them in years?  I don’t think I’ve seen Amberly in at least […]

Day 21. When Statues Come Alive

  “Incarnation” 8×10, oil on canvas, $112 [button link=”http://www.dailypaintworks.com/fineart/denise-hopkins/incarnation/259108″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] SOLD I had a great time at Teche Fest in Breaux Bridge this weekend– sold some paintings, made a lot of new contacts. I was forced to talk a little about my art, as in out loud.  It was awkward at first because paintings, […]

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