Prayer in Spring
“Darting Bird” 6×6 oil on canvas [button link=”″ type=”big”] Bid Here[/button] SOLD It’s cold outside for the first time this year. Really cold. So I’m letting Robert Frost do the talking for me today. And he feels like talking about spring. A Prayer in Spring by Robert Frost Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers to-day; […]
What A Pear! When Daily Painting Means Trying New Things
“Makin’ Groceries” 6×6, oil on canvas [button link=”″ type=”big”] Bid Here[/button] I’ve really enjoyed my paintings the last few days. With Carol Marine’s book still in my head (and sitting on my bedside) I’m eager to try new things, knowing I can always go back to a classic. I’m also making a great deal of […]
Daily Painting Meets Vulnerabilty
“Vulnerable” 6×6, oil on canvas [button link=”″ type=”big”] Bid Here[/button] SOLD Yesterday I did a small painting in one sitting with the intention of doing so as regularly as I can no matter what larger paintings I have lurking at me from the corners of my studio. And yesterday’s painting went so well, brought me some […]
Painting A Day, Take 2
“Surrounded” 6×6, oil on canvas [button link=”″ type=”big”] Bid Here[/button] SOLD I set out today to paint a rose. Had beautiful ones in my studio that a very handsome man gave to me. I set them out in front of me, got to work. But I discovered something very important– I don’t like painting roses. […]
On Painting (Almost) Every Day.
“In Search” 6×6, oil on canvas [button link=”″ type=”big”] Bid Now[/button] SOLD My pre-ordered copy of Carol Marine’s book came in yesterday, and last night I started pouring through it. It inspired me to get back to daily painting. I’ve been painting (almost) every day for a while now, but lately I’ve not created single […]
How to Talk About Your Art (when talking about your art is awkward)
“Great Egret” 12×12, oil on canvas, $150 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] Yesterday evening I found myself at the beach house, which is a great sentence until the part where I tell you the beach house is just a Mandeville restaurant with mediocre food. I, along with many Northshore parents go for one reason […]
6 Tips to Better Gesture Drawing (And Why it Matters)
Last week I went on a work trip to Disney World, and in the midst of packing and planning, a little creeping anxiety popped up– was there a way to bring my brushes? My easel? What would happen if I went one day without painting, much less three? Ultimately, I decided that my best […]
September Top 5. What I Learned Painting Every Day
When I decided to treat artist as a viable and practical (what is more practical than doing the very thing you have the ability and means to do?) career option, I did a painting a day for thirty days. Much like childbirth, I promptly forgot how difficult it was and (foolishly? wisely?) decided to do […]
Day 30. And that’s a Wrap.
“Triumph” 22×30, oil on canvas, $337 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] On September 9, on a whim, I posted to my FB page that I might attempt a completely abstract, non-representational painting as one of my paintings in the 30 in 30 challenge. It’s day 30, and I set out to do just that, mostly […]