Day 26. A Painting A Day. The Revisitation
“Chicken Scratch” 8×8, oil on canvas, $100.00 [creativ_button url=”″ icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”red” colour_custom=”#2e7bd3″ size=”medium” edge=”rounded” target=”_self”] A painting a day? Want to know what I did today? I painted five paintings. On the same canvas. Nothing was working. And the more it didn’t work, the more anxious I got. Finally, I grabbed a rooster off […]
Day 25/100. Still Blooming
“Bloom” 20×20, oil on canvas, $250.00 Click to purchase. SOLD This is my second go at Mr. John’s roses on another relatively large canvas. I used the palette knife instead of the brush and abstracted them just a bit more than I did in round one. After the first rose painting and then yesterday’s portrait […]
Day 24. Humans of Louisiana
“Snark” 10×10, oil on canvas. [creativ_button url=”″ icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”red” colour_custom=”#2e7bd3″ size=”medium” edge=”rounded” target=”_self”] Have you heard of humans of New York? Every Friday, I’d like to offer you humans of Louisiana in paintings rather than photographs. Today, meet Jen, a wonderfully colorful college student. The conversation I’ve had with almost every person in my […]
Day 23. Thinking BIG, Dismissing Logic, Everything’s Coming up Roses
“John’s Roses” 24×24, oil on canvas $300.00 [creativ_button url=”″ icon=”” label=”Buy Now” colour=”red” colour_custom=”#2e7bd3″ size=”medium” edge=”rounded” target=”_self”] Reasons why you should paint small: It’s a much smaller investment. If it doesn’t work out, you’ve lost about one to four dollars and about an hour’s worth of time. Storage. You can store 100 small paintings until they […]
Day 22/100. Enjoying my Comfort Zone
“Sitting Pretty” 16×20, oil on canvas, $225.00 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] This is the painting I’d started a couple days ago but didn’t finish yesterday because it was Tuesday which meant I needed to get outside. Challenging myself is easier when I know there is a nice little studio painting of a bird waiting for […]
Day 21. Challenge Yourself, Plein Air Take 2
“Breezy” 12×12, oil on canvas, $150 [button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] Yesterday, I said I was going to try to get outside on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This morning, I thought of a million reasons why I would skip today and shoot for Thursday: I don’t want to be a landscape painter. I got to a late […]
Day 20. Pelican Paintings in April
“Muse” 12×12, oil on canvas, $150.[button link=”″ type=”big”] Buy Now[/button] I will never tire of this, my favorite bird, my muse, the subject that got me back into painting to begin with. When I want to experiment with any technique, I turn to my trusted subject. Lately I’ve been most interested in edges. I […]
Day 19. And Now I Do Weddings…
“Celebration” oil on canvas, 24×24. Last night was a blast. The bride was GORGEOUS. The crowd was dancing. The music was great. It was everything a wedding should be– the perfect balance between sentiment and party. I arrived over an hour early (first time jitters, wanted to make sure everything was perfect) then proceeded to […]
Day 18. Dance Practice
“First Dance”, 11×14, oil on canvas I’m doing my first ever live event painting at a wedding tonight so I thought I get in a little practice with a loose painting sketch of my sister and her husband at their own wedding last June. Aren’t they cute? I used the palette knife. For weeks I’ve been going […]