Pelican In Flight– April Challenge Day 1

In Flight 6×6 acrylic on gessoboard $75 click to purchase I’m beginning my thirty paintings in thirty days with this little guy who is flying on top several failed paintings.  I can’t even remember what the surface originally looked like, but I love the way you can see some of the darker layers underneath the yellow/orange/pink […]

The Encounter

Encounter, 8×16, acrylic on wood Mary, as in “Blessed Virgin,” never meant all that much to me.  I hung around Catholic circles most of my life and saw her pious, blue-eyed face plastered in various corridors of my life– a statue at my grandmothers house, prayer cards slipped into my purse or pocket, jewelry, my […]

Pursuing Pelicans (yet again)

Still Pelican 12×12, acrylic on gesso board I love pelicans in flight, their graceful navigation of skies often culminating in a nosedive marked by tenacious precision.  But the still pelican is potential.  Power and grace not yet unleashed.  The still pelican is possibility. When I lived in New Orleans, I’d drive down bayou St. John […]

Fly Away

Fly  Away, 6×6 acrylic on canvas $75 SOLD   Years ago, before my pelican obsession, a friend of mine asked me to do a pelican painting for her husband.  She said he loved pelicans in flight. I did the painting, but don’t remember being overly excited about it, and I shudder to think about what it […]

Blue Oyster

  Blue Oyster, 8×8 acrylic on canvas $100 SOLD I’ve been wanting to paint oysters for quite some time mostly because of the subtle colors you can find in their shells and slimy insides.  Unfortunately, when I was ready to paint one, none were actually available to me.  In the future, I see myself going to […]

On Finding Treasures

Finding Treasures, 8×10 Acrylic on Gesso Board I did this painting a couple days after the “snowpocalypse” and the temperature was back in the sixtes.  Ezra and I had been boarded up inside for days, and finally I could acquiesce to his pleas for “ous” (translation: outside).  We spent the morning on the lakefront, climbing, […]